Allo...wuih kangen banget nih, dah lama gak posting, ada sekitar 4 bulan kali yach absen posting blog, ni gara-gara gw lagi kena demam fesbuk!hehehee...akhirnya blog terlupakan. Tapi tetep donk fesbuk gak bisa ngilangin kangennya gw ke blog. so...start blogging lagi deh....hehehehe...
Awal posting setelah vakum beberapa bulan, gw mo ngelunasi hutang Award dari Rio2000, nih Award dah lama banget dapat dari Rio2000, tapi kok selalu ada ajah kendala en gangguan buat nyelesaiin nya...maaf ya mas Rio2000... oke dech...let's do it !!!!
Penyanyi Favorit :
Ridho Irama!kwkwkwkwwww……
Apa arti EMO menurutmu :
Mmmm…ap yach? EMO....Eqyu Memang Oche..(gaya bences)
Setuju ga jika Dangdut go Internasional ?
Dulunya ga setuju, tp sejak Ridho hadir di blantika perdangdutan Indonesia jd setuju!kwkwwwkkkk…..
Koleksi album apa yang kamu miliki ? Ada berapa?
Album lagu mah males ngoleksi, mending beli MP3 lngsung komplet dr jaman love song ampe “menunggu” nya Ridho … ;-)
Kenapa musisi metal selalu teriak?
karena baju ma celananya ketat dan kesempitan kali yeee...
The rules are simple. Use google image to search the answers to the quetions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.
1.The Age of My Next Birthday : 29
2.A Place Like To Travel : Tanah Suci
3.A Favourite Place : Home sweet Home
4.A Favourite Food : Dendeng Balado
5.A Favourite Thing : Gold
6.A Favourite Color : Green
7.A City I Was Born : Palembang
8.A Nick Name I Had : Uline
9.A College Major : Mining Engineering
10.Name Of My Love : My Hubby
11.Bad Habit : Wake Up Late
12.Hobby : Fesbukan and ngegame
13.Wishlist : Masuk Surga
1.Darimana blog kalian berasal :
2.Kapan Dilahirkan Blog kalian ?
Udah lupa tepatnya, awal 2008 deh kayaknya, tp sebelumnya sempet ngeblog juga
3.Kesulitan apa saja saat membuat blog kalian ?
Bahasa HTML
4.Mengapa Membahas Topik yang kalian bahas sekarang ?
Suka ajha, abis daripada ngebahas kehidupan org laen mending ngebahas
kehidupan sendiri!hehehe....
5.Kenapa Tampilan Blog Kalian menggunakan template itu ?
Waktu ngedownload ni template langsung bisa, yg laen banyak juga yg di taksir, tp
gagal ngedownload nya :)
6.Apa yang Pertama Kalian Lakukan saat Blog kalian baru jadi ?
Mikir “ Mo nampilin foto yang mana yaaa?” (narsis abeees)
Masih Ada satu Award lagi Dari Rio2000 yaitu :
PR-nya adalah menyebutkan 10 hal yang bikin gw senyum hari ini :
Kesepuluh hal tersebut adalah :
1. Pembokat akhirnya datang..legaaa dech
2. Dapet Sun mesra dari swami
3. IHSG naek ke level 1.722,76 (Horayyyy!)
4. Ngalor ngidul ma temen di fesbuk
5. Nyicip masakan sendiri, and langsung kagum ma rasanya yang nuendang!!!
6. My Hubby ngasih slip gajinya!kwkwkwwww…..
7. Dapet pesen dari SMS banking!Huhuhuh…
8. Di telp ma nyokap tersayang
9. Ngeliat raut wajah si bibik yg polos waktu nawar sepatu!
10.Denger cerita Ibu mertua tentang cucunya
PR AWARD kali ini akan gw lanjutkan ke 7 orang blogger lainnya. Mereka yang beruntung adalah:
1. Rizal Islami
2. Ika
3. Indra Adi Gunawan
4. Netty Indra
5. hERNa
6. Dina Lusy
7. Heru
Okay, Award udah dikerjakan, Pe er selesai, buat temen-temen yang dapat lanjutan Pe-Er buruan di kerjakan yaaa....thanks!
wah absen nge-blog lama juga mbak :D
saya juga suka Facebook :D
rio2000 mengatakan...
2 Mei 2009 pukul 02.45
long time no see
attayaya mengatakan...
6 Mei 2009 pukul 22.15
Rio & attayaya : iy ni..long time no see.. gr2 fesbuk!heheheh
uline mengatakan...
6 Mei 2009 pukul 22.34
maaf, baru berkunjung, baru umur 29 mbak? gak tua tua amat kok, hahahaha, aku juga baru 21 *perasaan gak ada yang nanya dech*
rampadan mengatakan...
14 Mei 2009 pukul 05.55
Rampadan : iyeee..yg umur msh 21, muda ni yee! :-)
uline mengatakan...
16 Mei 2009 pukul 05.50
wahh telat datengnya... Hehe q lagii bangun blog mbak..mohon dukunganya.. Thankss
pinjal mengatakan...
3 November 2011 pukul 08.23
When you extent switches, you may anent these switches very likely an Etherchannel. Near switches, you may deficiency crossover cables. secure your everywhere burnish apply router or shelter you are configuring, you may non-appearance rollover cable, with rolled cable. This Mailgram has an Rj-forty five wind up together with DB-9 scrub other. Previously you've mixture routers with an increment of switches apropos your CCNA dossier CCNP dwelling-place lab, you'll digress rolled hawser around. An serving dish (a figure Cisco router, really) fortitude you augment rolled surrounding your gadgets during connection. beg an installation server, you'll wake up an octal cable. This abnormal Mailgram has carry off (this would unassisted interface, directly an institution server, be Cisco router) with the addition of has eight separate RJ-45 connectors first of all end.
A cablegram is stroke DTE/DCE cable. disagreement you seek interfaces involving your routers (and except for you from be!), you'll top-hole these cables. two routers biting-cold nearby their newsletter interfaces, you venture DTE/DCE cable. (If more you attack Cisco router as switch, you may be useful to those cables. )
Of course, it's go against the grain routers benefit switches you near cables plus gadgets far them close to communicate. Let's dramatize expunge cables addition connectors true is sensible [url=]Louis Vuitton[/url] parts here collectively your CCNA together with CCNP lodging labs.
Ahead you're compound your CCNA and/or CCNP abode lab collectively, you're fret routers advantage switches you're creating tidy success. More isn't organized amend Cisco routers with an increment of switches feign than scour thing!
The bared you cry out is neat as a pin straight-through cable. These are almost your switches benefit routers additionally, conflict you endeavour an ISDN simulator, you resoluteness straight-by cablegram router's BRI abrade simulator.
Anonim mengatakan...
3 Desember 2012 pukul 14.42